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Background Dr Brooke has internationally recognised expertise in shelf and coastal sedimentary systems and the influence of seabed geomorphology on the distribution of benthic habitats. He has
Membership of key national committees Dr Brooke regularly provides marine and coastal geoscience advice to a number of Commonwealth and State Government coastal and marine policy and management initiatives, including climate change vulnerability assessments (e.g. National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment), biodiversity conservation programs (e.g. Threatened Species Scientific Committee) and the Oceans Policy Science Advisory Group. He also contributes to the Coastal and Marine Commission of the International Quaternary Union.
Education 1999 PhD University of Wollongong 1994 BSc Hons1 University of Wollongong
Employment History Acting Group Leader/Section Leader for the Coastal Marine and Climate Change Group, Geoscience Australia (From 2002)
Associate Lecturer, School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Qld (2000-2002)
Research Assistant/Demonstrator, University of Wollongong, NSW (1994-1999)
Mining Industry, Illawarra Region (1981-1992)
Publications He has published extensively on shelf and coastal geomorphology, sedimentary systems and benthic habitats:
Brooke, B.P., McArthur, M.A., Woodroffe, C.D., Linklater, M., Nichol, S.L., Anderson, T.J., Mleczko, R., Sagar, S., 2011. Geomorphic features and infauna diversity of a subtropical mid-ocean carbonate shelf: Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific Ocean. In: Harris, P.T and Baker, E. (Eds), Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphology as Habitat, Elsevier.
Huang, Z., Brooke, B.P., Harris, P.T., 2011. A new approach to mapping marine benthic habitats using physical environmental data. Continental Shelf Research 31, S4-S16. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.03.012.
Huang, Z., Brooke, B.P., Li, J., 2011. Performance of predictive models in marine benthic environments based on predictions of sponge distribution on the Australian continental shelf. Ecological Informatics 6, 205-216.
Huang, Z., Nichol, S.L., Daniell, J., Siwabessy, P.J.W., Brooke, B.P., 2011. Predictive modelling of seabed sediment parameters using multibeam acoustic data: a case study on the Carnarvon Shelf, Western Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI:10.1080/13658816.2011.590139
Kennedy, D. M., Brooke, B. P., Woodroffe, C. D., Jones, B. G., Waikari, C., Nichol, S., 2011. The geomorphology of the flanks of the Lord Howe Island volcano, Tasman Sea, Australia. Deep Sea Research II 58, 899-908. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.046.
Nichol, S.L., Brooke, B.P. 2011. Shelf habitat distribution as a legacy of Late Quaternary marine transgressions: a case study from a tropical carbonate province. Continental Shelf Research 31, 1845-1857.
Brooke, B., Creasey, J., Sexton, M., 2010. Broad-scale geomorphology and benthic habitats of the Perth coastal plain and Rottnest Shelf, Western Australia, identified in a merged topographic and bathymetric digital relief model. International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (23), 6223 - 6237.
Woodroffe, C.D., Brooke, B.P., Linklater, M., Kennedy, D.M., Jones, B.G., Buchanan, C., Mleczko, R., Hua, Q., Zhao, J., 2010. Response of coral reefs to climate change: Expansion and demise of the southernmost Pacific coral reef. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L15602. doi:10.1029/2010GL044067.
McArthur M.A., Brooke B.P., Przeslawski R., Ryan D.A., Lucieer V.L., Nichol S., McCallum A.W., Mellin C., Cresswell I.D., Radke L.C., 2010. On the use of abiotic surrogates to describe marine benthic biodiversity. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 88, 21-32.
Douglas, G., Kuhnen, M., Radke, C., Brooke, B., Palmer, M., Hancock, G., Pietsch, T., Trefry, M.G., 2010. Delineation of sediment sources to a coastal wetland in the Great Barrier Reef catchment: interactions between climate and land clearing since European arrival. Environmental Chemistry 7, 190–206. doi:10.1071/EN09089
Radke, L.C., Ford, P.W., Webster, I.T., Atkinson, I., Douglas, G., Oubelkheir, K., Li, J., Robson, B., Brooke, B., 2009. Biogeochemical zones within a macrotidal, dry-tropical fluvial-marine transition area: a dry-season perspective. Aquatic Geochemistry 16, 1-29.
Brooke, B., Lee, R., Cox M., Olley, J., Pietsch, T., 2008. Rates of shoreline progradation during the last 1,700 years at Beachmere, southeastern Queensland, Australia, based on Optical dating of beach ridges. Journal of Coastal Research 23, 142-152.
Brooke, B.P., Ryan, D.A., Pietsch, T., Olley, J., Douglas, G., Packett, R., Radke, L., Flood, P., 2008. Influence of climate fluctuations and changes in catchment land use on Late Holocene and modern beach-ridge sedimentation on a tropical macro-tidal coast: Keppel Bay, Queensland, Australia. Marine Geology 251, 195–208.